The heart of the planning process revolves around best practices within each of the seven silos. They are used during the project initialization for District assessment. They are used again during the planning labs to identify District specific hindrances and obstacles to student-centered learning. Upon identification, the process generates goals and strategies addressing those hindrances and obstacles along with capital and operating budget impact with reconciliation to available funds. MPS’s planning sequence develops a five-year operational plan which assists the district in Creating a Culture of Learning which we call the “SCL Roadmap.”
The process follows the sequence of the four questions in the diagram for all seven of the silos contained within the MPS coherent planning philosophy. The diagram aligns the questions with planning activities where those questions are answered. We start with the center silo of “What/How Students Learn” and then work through each of the other six silos answering the four questions while reflecting on the instructional delivery / curriculum viewpoint. A first draft of the SCL Roadmap is generated from the initial assessment and findings from the planning lab.
The facilitator meets via web conference with the cabinet and governing board for feedback and discussion of the first draft document. The primary function of this activity is to ensure that the decision makers of the organization agree and support the statements, strategies, and budgets contained within the document. If necessary, modifications to the draft document are made and that revised draft will be forwarded to the planning lab participants one week prior to the plan review meeting for preparation of the review meeting.
The facilitator and planning lab participants attend a final meeting for a consensus review of the draft document. Participants are encouraged to provide input for changes to the verbiage of the document and the facilitator will execute changes as agreed by the majority of the participants.
The plan is formally presented to the Board of Education for approval or review by selected planning participants assisted by the facilitator.